Painting To Life: Production Plan

Members of the group: 
Louis Ryan (Lead Actor)
Jaclyn Merica (Writer/Actress/Editor)
Daniel De Castro (Producer/Actor)
Sean Gilfillan (Editor/Director/Actor)

Days we are meeting: 
Sunday, March 30, 2014 from 5-7 (preparing outline, props, and story ideas)
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 from 4-6 (filming)
Sunday, April 6, 2014 from 12- whenever we finish! (finishing filming/editing)

Plot Outline: 
All the group members meet to discuss the assignment.  After remembering Ernest Hemingway’s quote “Write drunk, edit sober”, we decide we’ll be more creative drunk.  Chaos ensues.  The next morning, everyone wakes up realizing we haven’t progressed with the assignment.  Then, a hungover Louis appears in a speedo and wig, like The Coppertone baby, and the group realizes what we can do.  A dog appears and bites his speedo, pulling it down.  Louis is the Coppertone Baby and our video is complete. 

Shot list:



 1. Wide: Establishing shot of apartment


 2.Medium of group sitting at round table.

3.Medium CUs on group with dialogue.

4. CU inserts of papers and work on table.

5. Medium of group sitting at round table.

(someone mentions drinking)




 6. CU on someone passed out on floor.

7. B-roll of apartment after night of drinking.

8. Medium CU on someone waking up.

9. Medium of LOUIS entrance through door in boxers and wig.

10.Extreme CU on someone’s eyes as they see LOUIS.

11. Medium Wide of someone quickly shaking off crumbs to grab camera.

12. Insert of dog running by.

13. Medium of LOUIS’ boxers being pulled by dog (Freeze frame).

14. CU of someone taking picture.

15. Medim CU of group clapping hands (Freeze frame).

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